
Each night while we were in New Orleans, we gathered as a group to reflect on our experience. There was time for silence and speaking, for quiet prayer and sharing. Spending time reflecting on the experiences of one’s day—no matter where we are—offers perspective and insights into how God was present. Those are the areas we tend to miss as we run headlong into the events of a day.

Photo courtesy of Sr. Regina Marie Fronmuller, OSU

Photo courtesy of Sr. Regina Marie Fronmuller, OSU

St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, created a way to reflect on our experience. It’s called the examen. There are many variations, but essentially this five-step prayer has been an invaluable resource for people who are serious about growing in their spiritual lives. I invite you to try it for a week or two and see for yourself. To get started, click here for some resources about the examen. You can also experience a 5-minute video version of the examen created by a community of youth workers.

As the examen gradually becomes a part of your daily routine. notice how you begin to see God in all things!